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The Deepest Longing: A Roadmap to Hope

Inside of each heart there’s a question: “Where do I belong?” Without realizing it, we fear the answer is “nowhere”. So many of us are longing for something—searching for something—without knowing what that “something” is. We may not even realize the longing exists, but rather experience it as a vague emptiness and a draw to feel something—anything—so we look to various places, substances and people to fill it.

This is one woman’s journey—from childhood to 90 years—of pain, hiding, striving, longing, and the many lessons learned. May it be a help to you on your life’s journey.

Author bio:
Although considered by herself and others as firstly an artist rather than a writer, Mary Karn has been journaling nearly every day for more than 40 years, capturing her journey of faith. She has had many remarkable spiritual experiences, and she has been eager to share the things that God has taught her, in order to help others on their personal journeys. This is her first book.

Note from the author:
“I don’t understand you God, I don’t understand other people and I don’t understand myself.”

This is what I cried out to God in utter frustration after falling to my knees in the middle of the night in a hotel room in Las Vegas.

All through my childhood I thought that if I don’t think and I don’t feel, then it won’t show on my face and then I can’t get into trouble. That was the way I tried to live and not get into trouble. It was my way of stuffing down the pain of the past. These were the inner feelings of the child that I kept hidden for so much of my life. I invite you to walk with me, back into the past, and experience the journey of my life as you glean what you can apply to yours.

Secret Destruction

In ancient Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh Amenemope (980 BC), tomb raiders are plundering treasures of the past from the Valley of the Kings. The Pharaoh’s vision sparks a secret plan to end the thievery and protect the wealth of a civilization for all time. The young Wijin is caught up in the middle of the action, and is forced to work as a slave. Will the Pharaoh’s plan succeed? Can Wijin hope to escape the task-master’s whip?

Fast forward to the current time: A curious Egyptian construction worker named Anik stumbles upon an amazing discovery, and begins unlocking a chain of mysteries dating back 3000 years. With a team of people from the Egyptian Archeological Society, he races to solve the secrets of the past, but his competitors will do anything to beat him to the chase.

Author bio:
For many years, Joseph Hergott has been fascinated by Egypt and the Egyptian culture, and has studied it extensively. After he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, he decided to apply his passion to creating Egypt-inspired artwork. Once he could no longer create visual artwork, he focused his creative energy on writing, the culmination of which is this novel.